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Celestial Choir


SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish has a place for everyone to share their musical gifts with God and our community. Below is more detailed information about our Celestial Choir.  For more information and/or to become involved in any of our music ministries, please contact our Director of Music, Miroslawa Sojka-Topor, by calling the rectory at 630-257-2776 or e-mail:


Note: All adults over the age of 18 who participate in Music Ministry at SSCM, except for the Resurrection Choir, are required to comply with the Archdiocesan standards for working with children, including participating in a background check and the Protecting God’s Children workshop.

Celestial Choir
  • Open to people high school age and older.

  • Rehearses weekly on Thursdays from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. (September -May).

  • Sings weekly for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday mass (September – May) and on occasion for other special liturgies as needed.

Our SS. Cyril & Methodius Celestial Choir was asked to sing the National Athem for the July 1st, 2014
Sox Game!

Click the image above to watch the video.

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