Polish Club
Our group began 40 years ago for Polish-speaking parishioners and others wishing to keep in touch with our Polish heritage and to offer a stepping stone to those who immigrate to the United States. Our group currently has 135 members.
Our mission is to uphold the traditions, customs and language of our Polish heritage, to continue to strengthen and unite the Polish community and its Catholic roots and to help new immigrants assimilate into their new home and country.
Our organization encourages and supports the Polish School at SSCM and helps sustain Polish culture and dance. We attend and participate in the Polish Mass and other religious celebrations and serve the elderly, sick or those in need whose language/heritage is Polish.
We serve those who want to rediscover their Polish roots and those who want to practice and participate in their ancestral traditions, customs and language. We meet monthly on the first Sunday at 9:30 AM in Sivore Hall in SSCM school.
Meetings last 1 to 1-1/2 hours during which we plan, discuss, and suggest the next outing, trip or celebration that the club will participate in as a group. These meetings help us keep in contact with members and to discover their needs so that we can all better serve the club and our church.
Call us at 331-253-8044 for
more information.

ZarzÄ…d Klubu Polskiego w Lemont na rok
Prezes: Ryszard Witkowski, V-ce Prezes : Marek Zelek, V-ce Prezes : Barbara Kipta-Foran,
V-ce Prezes: Margaret Sniezko, Skarbnik: Antonina Zych, Sekretarz: Helena Guzowski, Gospodarze: K. & A. Gazda, K. Cislo, Chorąży: Jan Lichacz,
Podchorąży: Bruno Koziel, Komisja Rewizyjna: V. Para, A. Kimel, J. Zoltek
Zebrania Polskiego Klubu w Lemont odbywają się w pierwszą Niedzielę każdego miesiąca po Polskiej Mszy o godz. 8:30 w sali
Fr. Sivore. Serdecznie zapraszamy na ciasto, kawę i miłą rozmowę!